Friday, March 21, 2014

World Cup In Belo Horizonte

What do know about Belo?

Although Belo Horizonte is not one of Brazil's most famous city's it is one of its biggest with a population of around 5 million making it actually Brazil's third biggest city.

 World Cup Fixtures

14 June

Colombia - Greece

17 June

Belgium - Algeria

21 June

Argentina - Iran

24 June

Costa Rica - England

28 June
1A - 2B
08 July
W57 - W58

If you are planning on visiting for the World Cup you might not be to inspired to stay long as there really isn't much to see.

Belo doesn't have the usual attractions and must see tourist spots but what it does have makes it well worth staying for a night out.

The city is believed to have over 12,000 bars and its famous for its night life and friendly people. Plus the city is the home to 2 of Brazil's biggest football teams (Cruzeiro and Athletico Minero) making the city and its people football crazy.

Belo Horizonte is a relatively short distance from Rio (6 hours drive) and São Paulo (8 hours drive) so its easy to get to and well worth the effort.

The stadium is about a 20 mins bus journey from the city center and they are creating a new bus system with bus lanes that should bring this journey time down.

If you arrive in the city on the day of a World Cup match head straight to the stadium as its next to a large lake with bars and restaurants close by so there is sure to be a lot happening on match days. 

Ouro Preto  

Less than 100km away (in the direction of Rio) is Ouro Preto one of the oldest towns in Brazil.

This old rich mining town is defiantly worth a visit to experience some of the history of colonial Brazil.

For more info and hotel booking for Belo Horizonte contact us.

Check Out #maninbrazil on Instagram and Twitter.  

#maninbrazil is a project by Travel Concept Solution

Contact Us for all your World Cup Bookings 

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