Saturday, January 11, 2014

Brazilian Banks Are A Mystery!

Don't be fooled by Visa and MasterCard signs as they mean nothing!!

This is my second trip to Brazil in 12 months and on my first trip I spent half a day in Rio trying to find an ATM that would except my bank card! 

Finally I found an HSBC (The Worlds Bank) and it worked, So When I arrived on my second visit I of course headed straight to the HSBC at São Paulo airport.

Imagine my confusion when it didn't work and the confused look on my face as after a long flight I stood there thinking "I am sure it was HSBC"

After a few minutes of confusion and thoughts of oh shit! I tried Bradesco Bank and the ATM happily gave me cash so thinking I must have got it wrong with HSBC next time I needed cash I headed to Bradesco Bank which is where the mystery begins......

Depending on the bank, The ATM, The way you put in your details or simply the mood the machine is in depends on whether or not it will give you cash at what ever bank you try! even if it displays the Visa/MasterCard sign.

This mystery is so confusing that if there are 4 ATMs at one bank try them all as one might just work. 

There are 3 main banks in Brazil that except international cards HSBC, Bradesco and Banco Do Brazil and I suggest when you find one that works and draw more money than you need as it might take a day or two to find another.

In one town I visited during this trip there was a Banco Do Brazil branch with 4 ATM's none of which worked, Neither did the HSBC or the Bradesco which led me to find out this is a common problem and I was tipped off about a small Banco Do Brazil ATM in a shopping mall that worked.

If you are reading this and thinking you will be fine because you bank at HSBC think again because you wont! as I met one guy who speaks Portuguese and has a UK HSBC account and he couldn't even get the bank in São Paulo to explain why his card wouldn't work in Brazil.

Be warned if you travel to small towns there may only be one bank that wont give you cash!

 #maninbrazil is a project by Travel Concept Solution

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1 comment:

  1. People really need to realize this if they're coming to the WC, getting cash and changing money is a day long activity. I'm going to £ and $ on my campsite to try and help people out, I should be able to bank them...I hope! Great articles.
